Our Values, Passions and Beliefs
We welcome all kinds of people into our practice
We aim to provide a non-judgmental, open-minded and compassionate space where people can come to better understand themselves, improve their relationships with others and heal their pain
We are attachment-based, relational, psychodynamic therapists who believe the relationship between client and therapist is central to the therapy being effective, impactful and lasting
We aim to help you make meaningful connections about your past, family of origin, early life experiences, primary relationships and dominant cultures
We seek to identify and better understand your unconscious defenses and drives, as well as any maladaptive or self- harming thoughts and behaviors you may have developed as a coping strategy to numb or soothe your pain
We are LGBTQIA+ allied and affirmative, social justice informed, trauma informed, queer/trans informed, anti-racist, sex positive and always learning
We hold a soft spot in our hearts for all who have experienced a sense of otherness or not belonging in any and all ways
We are advocates for mental health and believe mental health is not to be simply pathologized, but rather carefully investigated and held with compassion, care and curiosity
We believe it takes courage to to be honest and vulnerable and especially to reach out for help
We believe we heal in relationships with safe others (and in many cases, this may include your therapist)
We believe we can change our relationship to our pain and suffering
We believe some of the ways we we come to understand and heal our trauma is through a process of inquiry, patience, and gentle compassion with the help of a trauma-informed therapist
We believe meaningful change occurs when we deconstruct our narratives and beliefs and identify the origins and intentions of our thoughts
We believe therapy can help you find the feelings, honest words or language and understanding that’s necessary to hold more than one story, feeling or experience at the same time
We believe our values, norms and internal narratives are socially constructed and if left unexamined, may lead us toward an inauthentic life experience
We believe in psychotherapy and that the relationship between therapist and client should be viewed as a collaborative one
We believe skilled and dedicated psychotherapists may be facilitators of transformative experiences and change in your life
We believe healing in psychotherapy is a process and that anyone can experience healing when committed to this process
We believe no one is here to be fixed, but rather to be known, heard, seen, felt and understood
We believe there is nothing bad about you
We believe that how you feel matters
We support many organizations related to diversity, equality and inclusion. Here are a few: www.blacklivesmatter.com, Equality California, National Alliance on Mental Health, National Center for Transgender Equality, Everyone In L.A., AAPI Equity Alliance
There is a lushness to how the mind works.
-bell hooks
Depression & Anxiety
Existential inquiries
Gender Diversity - Transgender, Nonbinary Identities, Genderqueer and the wonderful list goes on
LGBTQIA+ identities (Including questioning!)
Expansive Relationship structures (Consensual Non-Monogamy, Polyamory, and Other Partnership Styles)
Homophobia / transphobia / bi-phobia / lesbianphobia
(and internalized phobias)Toxic shame
Survivors of childhood emotional, psychological, physical and/or sexual abuse
Male intimacy and exploring toxic masculinity (with all genders)
Grief and Loss
Trauma & Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and/or Complex Trauma (C-PTSD)
Relationship/Intimacy Issues
Identity & self-Worth
Imposter syndrome / perfectionism
Internalized shame/homophobia/transphobia/biphobia/lesbian phobia/toxic masculinity
Bisexual erasure
Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP)
Children / Partners of Narcissistic and/or Borderline Parents / Partners
Sexuality and intimacy (including Asexuality!)
Neurodiversity / Neuroqueerness